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- October 2, 1990
- The following files are selected from our Management and
- Policy portion of the RACPAC -- RACES Package. These should
- be helpful to any government setting up and managing a RACES
- program. Chained together are the following files:
- 1. RACESPOL.ASC RACES policies
- 2. POLICYLT.ASC A letter on policy
- 3. W6USLTR.ASC A letter to a new State RACES station manager
- 4. POLGUIDE.ASC The CA State RACES Policy Guide
- 5. INTERVUE.ASC An interview by a publication with the State
- RACES Coordinator
- 6. PDALL.ASC Various RACES positions descriptions
- * * * * *
- MEMO TO: Emergency Services/Civil Defense personnel
- Instructors in Emergency Services Management
- Telecommunications personnel
- FROM: Stanly E. Harter, Communications Coordinator
- The Amateur Radio Service is a valuable resource to local
- government in time of emergencies both small and large. Many
- jurisdictions use trained Amateurs on a regular basis. Others,
- regrettably, not at all. This is due in large part to the
- retirement of government people knowledgeable in this area and
- the disappearance of guidelines and expertise in managing and
- utilizing volunteers.
- Many local governments use volunteers. They are called deputy
- sheriffs, reserve police officers and volunteer firefighters.
- Amateur Radio operators used by a government are, in effect,
- deputy communicators. They are recruited, enrolled, and
- administered in much the same manner as the other volunteers--the
- reserve police and fire personnel. These deputy communications
- people are called the RACES--the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency
- Service.
- No local government can use volunteers unless they are registered
- Disaster Service Workers. This applies to the use of Amateur
- Radio operators as well. The legal risks to government, the
- volunteer and their families today are too great.
- The enclosures should help take the mystery out of RACES and
- clear up misunderstandings about its "who, what, why, where, when
- and how". RACES is not a collection of names to be filed away as
- a doomsday resource, anymore than you would with your police and
- fire reserves.
- We are here to assist in the development of the RACES capability
- statewide; the concept, its management and its utilization in a
- èfrequent and ongoing manner. Local government RACES is under the
- direction and control of their local government; i.e., there is a
- State RACES, many county RACES and city RACES.
- Please feel free to call me at (916)427-4281 with any questions
- or discussion.
- Encl.
- ░ ░ ! * * * * *
- (916) 427-4281
- Packet: W6HIR @ WA6NWE.CA.USA.NA
- A RACES unit is comprised of Amateur Radio operators enrolled in
- a specific government to provide its civil defense director or
- designee with radio communications via the Amateur Radio Service.
- Enrollment is accomplished in accordance with the California
- State Codes governing the registration and use of Disaster
- Service Workers in the "Communications" class. A disaster does
- not have to be declared to use RACES personnel. The RACES section
- is usually attached to that government's emergency preparedness
- office or to the department it may delegate, such as the
- sheriff's or other department. Hams are encouraged to be members
- of the American Radio Relay League's ARES (Amateur Radio
- Emergency Service) for emergency communications training and
- experience. The distinction is that RACES is a part of a State
- or a local government, while ARES is a private association.
- Many hams confuse "RACES operations", as defined in part 97.407
- of the FCC Rules with "RACES operations" as stated by OES. In
- the FCC Rules, to conduct a "RACES net", one must have a declared
- disaster or operate under the one hour per week provision during
- drills and exercises. A RACES net in this sense is one where the
- control station is using their WC6xxx RACES license callsign,
- and/or is stating that "This is a RACES net" where only RACES
- members can check in. If the operation is not conducted on the
- air, or in a manner where the "RACES net" is not stated, or the
- WC6xxx call is not used, then it is not a RACES net in eyes of
- the FCC, even though "RACES" personnel are conducting the
- activity. In a like manner, there does not have to be a declared
- emergency for professional OES personnel, paid or volunteer, to
- respond to a day-to-day event.
- The RACES unit (or by whatever name; e.g., DCS, county P 8α4
- ècommunications auxiliary, etc.) is comprised of those hams who
- choose to affiliate primarily with that local government to
- provide it communications support. Some governments even refer
- to them as "our deputy communicators" and this is as it should
- be. It is necessary for any RACES staff to know, understand, and
- support the government with which they are affiliated. We
- certainly appreciate that such an avocation is not every ham's
- cup of tea, just as any form of emergency communications activity
- appeals to only a small percentage of the total Amateur Radio
- population.
- RACES people, being government volunteer employees, often serve
- their local government in ways not covered (or intended to be
- covered) by FCC rules and regulations. Examples include serving
- on installation and maintenance work parties (ham equipment or
- otherwise), reserve 9-1-1 operators, as assistant dispatchers, in
- message centers, or in other activities that may appeal to the
- volunteers. For many such activities it is not necessary to hold
- an Amateur Radio license. This does not preclude them from
- serving in such a unit.
- Any one government has only one RACES organization because a
- given government has only one civil defense (CD) director. Or,
- as it is more commonly called in this state, an emergency
- services (OES) coordinator. Thus, in this state there can be one
- State RACES; it is a section of the telecommunications division
- of the State Office of Emergency Services. There can be up to 58
- separate county RACES units, and many city government RACES
- units. The prerequisite is that the government jurisdiction have
- a civil defense council in order to have a RACES unit by FCC
- definition.
- The CD/OES coordinators may, if they choose, delegate the
- administration of their jurisdiction's RACES unit to another
- department within the same government. We encourage the
- development of one, countywide RACES unit in lieu of a county
- RACES plus separate city RACES units -- if the county has the
- desire, willingness and capability to do so. Ventura County, for
- example, is a success story in this regard. By the same token,
- regrettably, there are cases of organized and active city CD/OES
- RACES and no county organization.
- People in the (California) State RACES, for example, are attached
- only to one of seven State OES offices: its headquarters or one
- of its six region offices. The State RACES does not direct or in
- any manner control any county or city RACES.
- Any Amateur may volunteer to serve under the direction of a
- CD/OES organization in an emergency, of course. What other
- professional, social or fraternal clubs, associations,
- organizations or leagues any volunteer or employee is a member is
- not relevant while that volunteer is serving that government.
- Some agencies within government have developed their own Amateur
- Radio units. These should not be confused with the RACES. There
- is, understandably, confusion in this regard. These units may or
- may not actually use Amateur Radio in performance of their
- duties; i.e., some may have only the requisite that all of its
- members are hams. Such organizations usually serve only that one
- governmental agency in which they are a member. Such units have
- been developed by a few police, sheriff's, and fire departments.
- There is one at the State level in the California Department of
- Forestry and Fire Protection. It is not statewide because the
- Volunteers in Prevention (VIP) program is elective at the Ranger
- Unit level; less than a third of its Ranger Units use hams. What
- is important, however, is that its volunteers (hams and
- otherwise) serve under the direction of and as a part of their
- agency -- not an outside organization, association, club, etc.
- Like the RACES, the VIP program welcomes the participation of and
- support from "outside" hams during a major shortage of "ham
- power". Like the RACES program, the VIP program requires
- training in, acceptance of, and support of their parent
- governmental organization. Both programs are comprised of
- volunteers who choose to affiliate with a structured volunteer
- service, meet its minimum requirements, and carry out its mission
- with pride and professionalism.
- It is State RACES policy that:
- 1. State RACES personnel may not also be members of a
- county or city RACES, any more than a law enforcement
- officer or fire fighter can belong to two or more
- departments. (One cannot serve two masters at the same
- time.)
- 2. State RACES personnel may belong to a CDF&FP VIP unit if
- such participation does not weaken or cause their State OES
- function to suffer. By the same token, many VIP members are
- members of a RACES unit. We give the CDF&FP first priority
- during the fire season to such personnel. By the same
- token, we are able to offer VIP volunteers a "wet season"
- mission for those who are seeking a year around activity.
- In some counties (Riverside, Napa, etc.) the VIP hams are
- the RACES unit, too, because the CDF&FP contracts to those
- counties to provide the OES function.
- 3. All Amateur Radio operators register as a Disaster
- Service Worker with a city, county or the State even if they
- choose not to become a "Level A" RACES unit member. Any
- (registered or otherwise) volunteer's offer of assistance
- may be accepted, of course, by government in time of an
- emergency. (The volunteer must recognize and accept the
- fact, however, that they are working under the direction of
- that government through its internal organization. Yes, the
- volunteer will be taking his/her direction, directly or
- indirectly, from another volunteer staff member of that
- government. That reality must be clearly understood up
- front. To have it any other way would be disorganization.
- It has been the failure of a few assertive individuals to
- accept this tenet that has turned off many local governments
- to volunteerism. I can't tell you how many times a
- government official has told me, "I don't have time to
- wrestle with prima donnas who want to do it their way."
- Long ago I was trained that any type of public safety or
- emergency service volunteer serves as a professional -- as
- an employee by word, deed and appearance. The volunteer
- doesn't wear that appellation "on their sleeve" and that the
- casual observer should mistake them for being an exemplary
- employee of the host organization.)
- 4. We support and promote the close cooperation with
- American Radio Relay League officials and its special
- interest group, the ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service).
- The State's position has been reflected since 1985 in its
- foregoing definition of the RACES. Perhaps one of the most
- common misunderstandings is the belief that the RACES program
- guidance, recommendations, practices, policies, and bulletins are
- new and "created by the State of California." Nothing could be
- further from the truth. We have simply dusted off the best of
- tried and proven RACES program management procedures developed
- from New York to Hawaii over my 40 year association with the
- RACES and public safety communications.
- The RACES history goes back forty years. Some states and local
- jurisdictions have had an ongoing RACES program since its
- inception. Not the State of California. Most local governments
- look to the state government for program guidance. In California
- that diminished circa 1968 and was so highlighted in its
- legislative hearings of 1983. The Sixties saw the reduction or
- virtual elimination of Federal matching funds support for the
- RACES program; many jurisdictions eliminated paid RACES Radio
- Officer positions when this happened. FEMA's predecessors
- dropped all RACES program guidance and positions. Many felt that
- this was exacerbated by the rewrite of the FCC rules governing
- the RACES in 1977. Those who argue that the RACES is a "doomsday
- only" program are unaware of the facts or have another agenda. I
- have not found a government yet that could not use Amateur Radio
- to augment and supplement their regular communications.
- The mission or role of every RACES unit may be different but
- similar. In the State RACES, for example, we have identified
- that our mission is similar to that of almost any state: To move
- as much letter perfect communications in the least amount of
- time. Until the advent of packet radio we did not have the tech-
- nology to adequately meet this mission. (Remember that the State
- RACES is for linking the State Headquarters/EOC with its six
- Regions; the Regions, in turn, communicate with their counties;
- and counties communicate with their cities and unincorporated
- areas.) This is why packet radio is virtually required today in
- any and all state, county and city government EOCs and sites.
- We welcome your questions and input. It is from these that
- further guidance and interpretations can be developed by staff
- for the weekly State RACES Bulletins and training materials.
- * * * * *
- State of California
- M E M O R A N D U M
- To: Howard Shepard, Manager Date: July 19, 1988
- State OES RACES Relay Station W6US
- 1050 Crest Ave.
- Encinitas, CA 92024
- From: Stan Harter, Assistant Chief, Telecommunications Division
- (State RACES Coordinator; Chief State RACES Radio Officer)
- Subject: CCDN
- The attached is how we received your CCDN transmission last night;
- thought you might be interested. Conditions vary and we usually
- receive you extremely well.
- We have requested a Linear Power Amplifier for our radio in the
- budget again -- it was cut last year. We do the best we can with
- what we've got. If one system doesn't work we have many others;
- RACES is just one of them. We make every effort to maximize our
- resources as funds allow.
- Some 3, 4 or 5 operators come in here every Monday night, Holidays
- included. Their dedication is terrific.
- I always welcome input and discussion from our CCDN stations but,
- quite frankly, seldom receive any until its too late. Our mission
- today is a far cry from what is was in 1958, 1968 or even 1978,
- but some of the former CCDN stations couldn't or wouldn't change
- with us. This is probably due in no small part to the fact that
- CCDN people can't drop into the office frequently as do the other
- RACES members. The weekly State RACES Bulletins, since May 1985,
- is intended to clearly define the RACES mission. At the State
- level it is to move the maximum amount of traffic in the minumum
- amount of time between State and Incident Command sites. The
- Incident Command System (ICS) was virtually unheard of 10 years
- ago. Today, it is the way things are done and all emergency
- government response personnel -- including the RACES -- must
- naturally know and understand it.
- What are your plans and/or capabilities for HF and VHF packet?
- Keith Crandall, K6QIF, our HQ RACES Station Manager, will be in
- your area July 28-31 and would like very much to get together with
- you. I am sure that such a meeting would be mutually beneficial
- and help bring you up to date on what the State OES is doing.
- Your letter to Les Ballinger just this minute arrived. What
- timing! Let me tackle a few of the issues you have brought up and
- prior to your meeting with Keith.
- RACES_Station: This is something the FCC has not done in years.
- The FCC licensed RACES stations that are still in existence and
- are renewed regularly can, indeed, be renewed. [Re: FCC
- 97.171(b)]. But RACES Stations and Club Station licenses are a
- thing of the past; part 97.173 (Application for RACES station
- license) is moot and should be removed in the next rewrite from
- the Regulations beacuse it has no applicability today. George
- Hart and the ARRL did much to emascualte the RACES with their last
- RACES rule changes (c. 1977), but they were paranoid about
- perceived encroachment on the Amateur frequencies by local
- governments and by some real abuses my a large southern California
- government. So we governments, who were putting RACES to very good
- use under the pre-1977 rules (I was telecommunications chief for
- the Hawaii State Government), were the "babies thrown out with the
- bathwater". This, coupled with the demise of the RACES and/or
- their CD agencies around the country, allowed ARES to flourish to
- fill the vacuum. At the request of the State Legislature, we have
- met with considerable success in turning that around, albeit there
- are a few diehard ARRL individuals who want no part of any
- government running its FCC-chartered Amateur-Radio-for-CD program
- (aka RACES) -- they want to tell us what they want or will or will
- not do. This is commonly called the "Tail Wagging the Dog"
- syndrome, one of volunteerism's worst diseases.
- RACESBUL.029F_&_G: One of the features of Amateur Radio's value
- and effectiveness to the local governments they support is that it
- is a tremendous, in-place resource. This was the major point not
- lost on Senator William Campbell and his hearings into why the
- State wasn't availing itself of this resource, and their subsequent
- mandate to the Governor's Office of Emergency Services that it
- (re)establish a program to utilize hams to support the State and
- local governments in the emergency communications mission --- aka
- the RACES.
- You are correct: some packet digipeaters are owned by RACES
- members, some are not. We have and will continue to buy
- transportable packet terminal and flyaway digipeater packages to
- provide IC (Incident Command) communications. We have a rule of
- thumb about existing digipeaters: the thoughput is generally not
- worth considering for reliable communications if we must use more
- than two digipeaters. That's why HF packet is going to be more
- and more important in our long hauls. I'm looking forward to the
- day where we can have HF access to So. Cal. VHF digipeaters and/or
- mailboxes.
- AMTOR: I thoroughly agree that either HF packet and/or AMTOR
- should replace HF RTTY for one hop communications between HQ and
- Regions 1, 3, 5 and 6. The attached garble is proof of that.
- Without it we are playing games, and there are plenty other nets
- and times to play games (casual QSO's serving no OES purpose,
- etc.)
- CCDN/County/City_OES/RACES: Cities communicate with their
- counties, counties with their State OES Region, and Regions with
- HQ.
- History/Background:
- The CCDN was established to test the HQ-Region RACES equipment and
- personnel. CCDN was created in the Fifties for that purpose. It
- was never called a "hard core RACES net" on the air because of the
- one-hour limitation [re FCC 97.191(b)], thus enabling us to run
- the net as long as we would like to.
- A weekly RACES bulletin was written by the OES telecommunications
- division chief for use on the weekly net. The CCDN used to be
- conducted during business hours many years ago. For reasons I am
- unaware, it shifted to the evening hours and from the OES offices
- to private homes. I suspect it was (a) lack of licensed Amateurs
- at the OES offices (although that was not necessary prior to the
- 1977 RACES regs rewrite by the FCC) and (b) a lack of RACES
- program guidance and support by the paid staff. It is common
- knowledge that the prior two telecommunications chiefs had little
- use for Amateur Radio. One would say, "What do we need amateurs
- for? We are professionals." That has been turned around 180
- degrees or we wouldn't be here.
- The value of home stations sending and receiving a drill message
- with other home stations has little relationship to OES facility-
- to-facility communications. The drill messages, too, were
- frivolous and seldom of value. Even a year before I was hired, I
- was asked to start writing up some meaningful RACES Bulletins.
- Why the Chief State RACES Officer wasn't doing this I was not to
- find out until some time later. A former incumbent said that "All
- RACES members are to simply send and receive messages -- not
- manage, organize, plan, direct, budget, staff, report or
- coordinate a State RACES program." When it is clear that such
- program activities should come first before the first carrier hits
- the air, he understandably resigned. That, coupled with the
- understanding of our State RACES mission:
- The mission of the State RACES is to move the maximum amount
- of traffic in the minimum amount of time between State and
- local government facilities and Incident Command sites.
- The RACES at any level is not a "home" radio net; it is Amateur
- Radio communications at designated points of government
- activities. The mayors, governors, chairmen of the boards, civil
- defense directors, et al -- simply do not go to Amateur's homes
- to conduct their business of direction and control. For emergency
- response agency personnel (such as the RACES) to practice from
- their homes is fine -- to keep informed and hone their personal
- operations skills. The equipment that needs to be tested
- periodically by_these_same_operators, however, is the Amateur
- Radio equipment at the seats of government and by these same
- personnel. I have seen the best equipment money can buy fail
- miserably because the assigned operators chose to stay home and have
- nothing to do with the equipment we really counted on them to operate.
- Along this same line, we asked a few CCDN (State RACES Relay
- Stations) to participate in the RESPONSE'87 exercise between Los
- Alamitos and here -- with RTTY, voice or (last ditch) CW. Fine,
- they all agreed -- so far. Since none had a packet capability
- (how did they plan to expeditiously relay the traffic to us?), we
- said we would arrange for someone to show up at their State RACES
- Relay Station to provide the necessary, expedititious relay at
- 0400. "No way!" they said. So much for "Relay Stations"! None
- of the three stations are with us any longer. It's a case of the
- volunteer not fully understanding the mission, the procedures and
- practices of the agency, policies, etc., etc. So the "old" gets
- replaced with the "new" who can grasp the mission. And age has
- nothing to do with it, either. Some of the new blood outdistances
- the retired RACES personnel.
- Thanks for all your efforts, Howard. All of us here appreciate
- them and your fine signal. There is a combined OES Region I-VI
- RACES Plan being written for which you could have a key role. I
- suggest you contact our brand new Region VI Communications
- Coordinator/Region VI RACES Coordinator John Hudson (WA6HYQ). He
- is sharing the office with Don Root (WB6UCK) at Region VI, 2151 E.
- D Street - Suite 203A, Ontario CA 91764-4452; (714)391-4485. By
- copy of this letter I am making them aware of this discussion. As
- a Relay Station, your principal value will be to them to support
- communications with this Headquarters.
- cc: Art Botterell
- John Hudson
- Don Root
- Doyle Workman
- * * * * *
- P O L I C I E S A N D G U I D E L I N E S
- F O R T H E
- in the
- S T A T E O F C A L I F O R N I A
- Issued August 1985
- REVISED December 1989
- I N D E X
- Index................................................... i
- 1.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................ 1
- 1.1 Function
- 1.2 RACES
- 1.3 RACES Radio Officer
- 1.4 Communications Officer
- 1.5 State RACES Coordinator
- 1.6 Levels of RACES
- 1.7 ARES
- 2.0 UTILIZATION ............................................ 2
- Frequent usage, training activities, administrative
- and operational procedures, non-emergency missions
- 3.0 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ............................ 3
- 3.1 In what department to locate the RACES function
- 3.2 Operational Area concept
- 3.3 Regions may enroll where no county RACES exists
- 3.4 Competent volunteer staff required
- 3.5 Appointing a RACES Radio Officer
- 3.6 One RACES unit per government
- 3.7 State of California Government RACES organization
- 3.8 RACES staff organization
- 3.9 Radio Officers are unpaid volunteer employees
- 3.10 Radio Officers responsible for RACES plans
- 3.11 Radio Officer's place in table of organization
- 4.0 RACES PLANS ............................................ 4
- 4.1 Guidelines and format
- 4.2 Wartime and peacetime applications
- 4.3 Use of annexes for perishable data
- 4.4 Frequency coordination responsibilities
- 4.5 County RACES Plan
- 4.6 Concurrence/approval signatures
- 5.0 ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................ 6
- 5.1 Applications
- 5.2 Communications class of Disaster Service Workers
- 5.3 Local record checks
- 5.4 Identification cards
- 5.5 Sign in/Sign out records
- 1.1 FUNCTION. The primary function of RACES is to establish and
- maintain communications to support government operations during
- times of emergency with Amateur radio by persons properly
- registered as Disaster Service Workers. An emergency may be
- single or concurrent incidents, or a major natural or manmade
- disaster. An incident usually involves two or more agencies of
- the same government. Some incidents may involve more than one
- government.
- 1.2 RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) is not a club,
- detached group, or self-governing activity. RACES personnel are
- volunteer government employees and enjoy certain benefits and
- protection when activated for an emergency, training, or work
- party under proper authority.
- 1.3 RACES RADIO OFFICER. That person, a licensed Radio Amateur,
- appointed by the government as chief of its RACES program. The
- RACES Radio Officer (or called simply the Radio Officer) is
- considered key staff and part of the initial response team to the
- EOC (Emergency Operations Center). The Radio Officer usually
- reports to the Communications Officer or to the OES Coordinator
- in his absence.
- 1.4 COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER. That person responsible for the
- overall telecommunications planning, operations and maintenance
- for the EOC and the governmental jurisdiction. The
- Communications Officer is key staff and is a part of the initial
- response team to the EOC. The Communications Officer usually
- reports direct to the OES Coordinator. At State OES Region
- offices/EOC's, the Region Communications Coordinator serves this
- role.
- 1.5 STATE RACES COORDINATOR. That person, a licensed Radio
- Amateur, assigned by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services
- (the State OES) to manage and coordinate the RACES program in
- California. The position is assisted by the State Radio Officer
- and other volunteer staff.
- 1.6 LEVELS OF RACES. The levels of RACES are the same as the
- levels of government in California. State RACES personnel and
- equipment support the State OES headquarters, its six regions,
- mobile strike teams and relay stations. There are almost as many
- county RACES organizations as there are counties plus several
- city RACES programs.
- 1.7 ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) is administered by
- the ARRL (American Amateur Relay League), the national
- association that represents Amateur Radio operators. ARRL and
- ARES identify those Amateurs who are genuinely interested in
- emergency and public service communications. ARES largely
- supports the non-State and local government needs for Amateur
- Radio -- such as the American Red Cross, other relief
- organizations, and the important task of post-disaster health and
- welfare messages. Many RACES personnel are also ARES members.
- Whereas this may appear to be a conflict, OES/government need for
- Amateur communications (e.g., RACES) may typically be about 10%
- of the total Amateur radio involvement in a disaster and the
- other 90% are performing ARES-related communications. State OES
- joins ARRL in urging all Amateurs to be in both ARES and RACES.
- ARES is managed on the local level by ARRL-appointed emergency
- coordinators or EC's. The area served by an EC may include
- several counties and cities.
- 2.1 RACES personnel proficiency and equipment readiness is
- maintained through frequent employment in incident
- communications, exercises, drills, training and related
- activities, including the installation, maintenance and operation
- of RACES equipment. Skilled and properly licensed technicians may
- also be an emergency maintenance resource during a communications
- emergency.
- 2.2 A jurisdiction's OES need not necessarily be involved in an
- incident for its RACES resources to be activated and utilized. A
- brush fire or other incident, for example, may not directly
- involve a local government OES but may use its RACES resources.
- Whereas an OES does not sponsor a marathon, it may sanction the
- use of its RACES as an approved training exercise.
- 2.3 Administrative procedures should be developed by the local
- government OES so that other agencies within the same government
- may promptly obtain RACES support when needed. The development of
- standard operating procedures is a function of the Radio Officer
- position. Certain radio operating procedures are already
- established for commonality and standardization.
- 2.4 A state of emergency does not have to exist or be declared
- to activate RACES. Every effort should be made, in fact, to use
- RACES resources as frequently as possible so as to maintain both
- personnel and equipment in a continuing state of readiness and
- proficiency.
- 3.1 RACES is typically managed by the local government's office
- of emergency services/civil defense. In some counties RACES is
- administered by the sheriff and in some cities by the fire or
- police chief.
- 3.2 It is recommended that a county OES administer one RACES
- program to serve all of the county and its cities whenever
- practical to more effectively manage and utilize a limited
- resource--Amateur radio operators. RACES personnel may thus be
- preassigned to particular cities or geographic areas. Separate
- city OES RACES organizations should be generally employed only
- when a city is a large jurisdiction (500,000 or larger) or where
- a county cannot administer a countywide RACES program.
- 3.3 In those counties where no OES/Civil Defense council
- (disaster council, Stats. 1946 lst Ex. Sess., Ch. 104, as amended
- by Stats. 1971, Ch. 38) exists, Amateur radio operators may be
- enrolled by the State OES Region RACES in which they reside.
- 3.4 The administration of any RACES organization and program
- requires competent, qualified, and dedicated volunteer staff
- similar to other government volunteer programs; i.e., reserve
- deputy sheriffs, volunteer firefighters, reserve police officers,
- search and rescue, and similar programs requiring trained and
- disciplined volunteers.
- 3.5 Any jurisdiction employing RACES resources will appoint a
- RACES Radio Officer, referred hereinafter as the Radio Officer. A
- county (or city) Radio Officer reports to a superior in that same
- local government, most often its Communications Officer or OES
- Coordinator.
- 3.6 The use of Amateur radio operators in any local government
- is established by only one agency by and for that government.
- Different departments will not operate separate Amateur radio
- programs. All requirements for Amateur radio support will be
- channeled to the county (or city) Radio Officer.
- 3.7 State Government RACES organization.
- State OES communications coordinators (Telecommunications
- Division assistant chiefs) assigned to an OES Region or Regions
- administer their region radio officer(s). A State OES
- communications coordinator is the State RACES coordinator who, in
- turn, appoints the chief radio officer and deputy chief radio
- officers (North and South). The OES headquarters staff
- coordinates with, but does not direct, the OES Region RACES
- staffs. The State OES headquarters has a State RACES Coordinator
- and a State Chief Radio Officer; each of its six regions will
- have a Region Radio Officer. There may be two deputy chief radio
- officers; one for North (OES Regions 2,3,4 and 5) and one for
- South (Regions 1 and 6). Region Radio Officers report to their
- respective Region Communications Coordinators. All are a part and
- resource of the State OES Telecommunications Division. In the
- absence of the region communications coordinator, a region radio
- officer reports to the OES Region Manager. Region radio officers
- promote the development and utilization of the Amateur Radio
- resources, RACES plans, and RACES organizations throughout the
- Region; provide a resource management capability for mutual aid;
- and maintain close liaison with ARRL officials.
- Region radio officers appoint and manage their assistants and
- staff. They coordinate with county radio officers but have no
- direction or control over them. Region radio officers report to
- their OES Region communications coordinator and/or the Region
- manager.
- 3.8 Radio Officers at all levels will appoint a staff to assist
- them in properly carrying out a viable RACES program capability
- to support their jurisdiction. Assistant radio officers should be
- appointed to (a) serve in the absence of the radio officer in an
- emergency and (b) to carry out day to day administrative
- functions. The latter may include training, administration,
- personnel, operations, maintenance, public relations, et cetera.
- State OES has prepared written job descriptions for radio
- officers and operators that may be used by all levels of RACES
- management; they may be modified and expanded to meet local
- requirements.
- 3.9 The Radio Officer is the principal management volunteer
- through whom the local government jurisdiction employs RACES
- resources. In this regard the jurisdiction should support the
- position with work space, clerical, mailing, telephone use and
- other costs or assistance normally associated with program
- management.
- 3.10 The Radio Officer and staff is responsible for preparing,
- amending and updating a local government RACES Plan that conforms
- to the requirements of the Federal and State governments.
- 3.11 The Radio Officer position reports to the RACES
- Coordinator where one is used in the management structure. At the
- local level, the emergency management agency may prefer that the
- Radio Officer report to their telecommunications director,
- operations manager, or similar position in the agency or in
- another department of the same county or municipal government. If
- a RACES coordinator is employed, it is recommended it be a
- position oriented towards emergency operations and preferably not
- a position limited primarily to the technical or maintenance
- functions in telecommunications.
- 4.1 State OES provides the guidelines and format for the RACES
- Plan. The local governments and the six State OES Regions must
- adapt the format to satisfy their unique needs. These factors
- should be kept in mind when selecting and appointing Radio
- Officers.
- 4.2 RACES Plans will address both wartime and peacetime
- applications.
- 4.3 Much of the old RACES plan format contained temporary,
- perishable, operational and otherwise variable information that
- made them unwieldy and cumbersome to amend. The new California
- format moves this type of information into annexes which the
- jurisdiction may more readily update and issue as required. The
- basic plan body will include a signatory page (see para. 4.6).
- The annexes will not require a signatory page, thereby
- facilitating amended pages as often as required with the least
- burden. Names, rosters, resources, frequencies and other
- perishable information will henceforth appear in appropriate
- annexes or standard operating procedures in accordance with the
- State's model plan.
- 4.4 All radio Officers will coordinate frequencies through their
- OES Region prior to writing or amending frequencies in any plan.
- Inter-region coordination will also be accomplished, where
- required, before transmitting the plan to State OES headquarters
- through their appropriate Region headquarters.
- 4.5 Every county RACES plan must address three basic levels of
- communications:
- 4.5.1 Intra-government requirements.
- 4.5.2 County to city governments; i.e., EOC to EOC.
- 4.5.3 County to Region. Note: Counties do not normally comm-
- unicate directly to State OES headquarters in Sacra-
- mento but to their appropriate Region headquarters.
- 4.6 Every RACES Plan will have a concurrence/approval signatory
- page for the signatures and date of the following positions:
- 4.6.1 City RACES Plans:
- City Radio Officer
- City Communications Officer (if any)
- City OES Coordinator
- County Radio Officer
- State OES Region Radio Officer
- State OES Region Communications Coordinator
- State RACES Radio Officer or Coordinator
- Local administrative practices may require
- additional signatories but they are not required for the State
- OES copies.
- 4.6.2 County RACES Plans:
- County Radio Officer
- Communications Director (if applicable)
- OES Coordinator
- State OES Region Radio Officer
- State OES Region Communications Coordinator
- State RACES Radio Officer and Coordinator
- Local administrative practices may require additional
- signatories but they are not required for the State OES copies.
- 4.6.3 State OES Region RACES Plans:
- Region Radio Officer
- Region Communications Coordinator
- State Radio Officer
- State RACES Communications Coordinator
- Telecommunications Division Chief or Deputy Chief
- 4.6.4 State RACES Plan:
- Each Region Communications Coordinator
- State Radio Officer
- State RACES Coordinator
- Chief, Telecommunications Division
- 5.1 APPLICATION. Applications to the RACES are made by Amateur
- radio operators to the city, county or State OES office of their
- choice. The application will include the form prescribed for
- registering State of California disaster service workers and the
- loyalty oath (Govt. Code sections 2015, 3102, 3211, 8589 and the
- California Emergency Council Rules & Regulations). Applicants
- will be registered in the ""Communicationstions" class of
- disaster service workers. A city, county, or the State may
- require the completion of other applicable forms.
- 5.2 "COMMUNICATIONS" CLASS. The California Emergency Council
- Rules & Regulations describes this class of disaster service
- worker (section C3) as:
- Communications. Operate and maintain various comm-
- unications systems, including wire and radio facilities,
- and perform messenger service, to assist officials and
- individuals in the protection of life and property.
- 5.3 LOCAL RECORD CHECK. All applicants for the RACES will be
- free of felony convictions and subject to background check
- verification. RACES personnel are different from the average
- Disaster Service Worker in that they have access to valuable
- government property; may serve in areas where access is
- restricted to personnel requiring law enforcement background
- clearances; frequently have access to restricted or confidential
- information and records; will handle messages of confidential
- content; and are highly visible to the public, where their
- deportment and actions must reflect favorably upon their office
- of authority at all times.
- 5.3.1 Authorization to Release Information. Each local
- government will prepare a form with this title and the
- following statement:
- "As an applicant for the position of Radio Amateur
- Civil Emergency Service operator with (name of
- government), I am required to furnish information
- for use in determining my qualifications. In this
- connection, I authorize release of any and all in-
- formation that you may have concerning me, includ-
- ing information of a confidential or privileged
- nature.
- "I hereby release you, your organization, or
- others from liability or damage that may result
- from furnishing the information requested. This
- release will expire 60 days after the date
- signed.
- "Signed___________________________
- "Date_____________________________"
- (Applications will not be processed without the applicant signing
- and dating the Authorization to Release Information. A sample
- Release Form is available from any State OES office.)
- 5.3.2 Upon receipt of a completed application for the RACES
- with the release form (above) and a copy of the applicant's
- Amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications
- Commission, the local OES will request a record check by its law
- enforcement agency; city OES agencies will direct the request to
- their chief of police, counties to their sheriff, and State OES
- offices to State OES Headquarters.
- 5.4 IDENTIFICATION CARDS. Upon recommendation for acceptance by
- the proper law enforcement office (para. 5.3), the appropriate
- OES will issue the applicant an identification card or written
- RACES certification.
- (a) There are two levels of RACES participation. LEVEL 1
- personnel are those who are regular volunteer staff of this RACES
- unit, they have accepted a job responsibility, and have agreed
- that the RACES is their primary Amateur Radio emergency response
- activity. It is recommended that LEVEL 1 staff volunteers be
- issued a government ID card the same as or similar to that used
- for its regular employees.
- State LEVEL 1 RACES personnel are issued a State OES
- identification card the same as or similar to that of employees
- and a laminated Registered Disaster Service Worker photo ID card.
- State OES does not issue permanent ID cards to its RACES
- personnel until after a minimum 180 days probation period. This
- practice is recommended to all local governments.
- (b) LEVEL 2 volunteers are those who choose not to serve as
- staff but may be available to work in some emergency. LEVEL 2
- personnel are not issued a government identification card the
- same as or similar to that of employees. They may be issued a
- generic Registered Disaster Service Worker card.
- 5.4.1 It is recommended that the ID card be the same as that
- used by the agency or local government concerned, since that card
- is readily recognized by the jurisdiction involved.
- 5.4.2 It is recommended that the expiration date be three to
- five years hence, and that no identification card or
- certification be marked "indefinite".
- 5.4.3 Identification cards are the property of the government
- concerned. They will be surrendered to that government upon
- termination as a volunteer with its OES, for misuse of the ID
- card, misconduct or for cause. The volunteer should sign a
- statement to the affect that he/she understands the terms and
- responsibilities of being issued a government ID card and serving
- as a volunteer employee of that government.
- 5.4.4 It is recommended that an ID card consist of a full
- face (passport style) photograph and that all ID cards be
- laminated. Consider using the style with the cutout and clip for
- wearing on an outer garment while working in an EOC,
- communications center, or other controlled facility.
- 5.4.5 The State does not issue a general, statewide identifi-
- cation card nor does it contemplate one in the future. The
- control over individual ID cards is necessary to the successful
- employment of such cards. This is not practical with a generic,
- mass produced card.
- 5.5 Volunteers must sign on and off duty, and/or be recorded by
- an appropriate official of that government, whenever serving in
- any function such as drills, training, exercises, work parties or
- actual operations. Said record must contain the name, date and
- time on duty, and date and time off duty. Records will be
- retained by the appropriate office of emergency services for a
- period of not less than one (1) year.
- * * * * *
- Rev. 4 Level 1 and Level 2 volunteers defined in para. 5.4.
- * * * * *
- by
- SVECS: Tell us about the weekly State RACES Bulletins you put out.
- HARTER: The weekly RACES BULLETINS are intended for and
- addressed to the CD/ES agencies and the hams that serve them.
- That is why most of them are non-technical in nature and stress
- the management and Amateur-government relationship issues. More
- than once I have received a phone call from a county CD/ES
- Coordinator that leads of with "We have a fine RACES group here"
- and then proceed to ask a question about ham radio. I will reply
- to them and add that that particular matter was addressed in a
- RACES BULLETIN on such-and-such date. "What's a RACES BULLETIN?"
- they will ask. I may gently chide the callers by reminding them
- that they had just said they have a good RACES group, yet they
- are not delivering the weekly messages to the CD/OES office as
- intended to preclude the out-of-sight-is-out-of-mind problem. One
- county ES Coordinator said. "Aha! My hams have been bugging us to
- buy this and that for them. Now I'm going to ask them where are
- all the messages I am supposed to be getting?" She reported later
- that her (new replacement) Radio Officer is now doing what a
- Radio Officer is supposed to do, she is getting the weekly
- BULLETINS, and she bought the $1,800 worth of antennas, radios,
- packet terminal, etc.
- SVECS: You must have a large postage bill.
- HARTER: No, not at all. Whenever a government says "How about
- mailing the BULLETINS to us?" I reply that this defeats the very
- purpose of what we hams are for -- radio communications. Not to
- mention the horrendous postage bill to 58 counties, over 200
- cities, and some 25 states that want them. We do mail them to
- ARRL, WorldRadio, those counties that are so remote they are out
- of range of a packet BBS, and to those club newsletters and other
- publications that reprint them. Anyone may quote from, copy or
- reproduce any RACES BULLETIN with attribution.
- We are aware, of course, that there are some pockets of ham radio
- that, for various reasons, do not want their CD/OES to see the
- BULLETINS or have anything to do with "that RACES". These are the
- people who say to government, in effect, "We play it our way or
- not at all."
- Conversely, there are a few CD/OES managers who "want no part of
- hams" because of some bad episode in their past. It may have been
- the employee's fault or it may have been a ham's. These
- roadblocks are sometimes tough to overcome until the incumbent
- manager retires and vacates their CD/OES position.
- Here in California there is an even bigger problem that took me a
- couple of years on this job to recognize: Very, very few
- government people today have any experience in working with and
- managing volunteers. Volunteers should be made aware of this
- fact. Most CD/OES administrators/coordinators not only haven't
- managed volunteers -- most have little or no experience in
- managing people at all. This is because the majority come from a
- planning or consultant background. In the majority of
- jurisdictions in California the ES coordinator is an advisory
- capacity with no command function, even in an emergency.
- SVECS: Is it that way everywhere?
- HARTER: In Hawaii, where I lived for 27 years, all CD directors
- and staff are required to bring with them "command" experience.
- When three or more government departments become involved with
- the same emergency, the CD director becomes the responsible
- command authority -- quite unlike California. Volunteers serving
- any agency there are of the frame of mind that says, "Here I am.
- I bring certain skills with me and want to learn more. What can I
- do for you? What is it you want me to do?" Then they either
- accept the program or walk if it is not their cup of tea. The
- Amateur population in Hawaii in the RACES is the same as urban
- areas here on the Mainland -- 6%. Any volunteer is politely but
- firmly told that there are minimum training, participation,
- performance and deportment requirements that every volunteer must
- meet. Offers of assistance from volunteers not pre-enrolled are
- seldom accepted.
- SVECS: Can you describe any resistance to the use of Amateur
- Radio?
- HARTER: I learned that promoting the use of Amateurs to some
- CD/OES coordinators in California fell flat because they are
- simply overwhelmed with the thought of having to manage people --
- any people. Why? For the reason I just mentioned; their
- background did not have or call for such experience. So today,
- once I have obtained an agreement in principle that Amateur Radio
- operators could and should augment their emergency
- communications, I will steer the discussion of the management of
- this resource into another department. In other words, if the
- CD/OES coordinator would feel more comfortable delegating this
- program to another department head -- fine, let's identify that
- department. It usually then winds up with the sheriff, police
- chief, or the fire chief. The latter is often good because they
- understand the ICS -- the Incident Command System. And they all
- have something in common: they know how to train and manage
- volunteers.
- SVECS: Can you give us an example of a problem with the local
- government?
- HARTER: One day I received a telephone call from a county OES
- Coordinator. He said that when he read my RACES BULLETIN that
- stated that the Radio Officer should be treated like a regular,
- paid member of the staff and attend staff meetings if and when
- possible, he hit the roof. He went on to say that his
- communications officer (to whom a radio officer should report)
- was a ham "who tended to monopolize the staff meetings, and you
- want me to invite another ham to our staff meetings? No way! As
- it is I don't call out my RACES anymore. They're just a bunch of
- old f[ogie]s who can't do anything. I call out the ARES." Well, I
- had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him that he has the
- management problem if he can't understand span of control, how to
- manage meetings, how to fire his inactive or incompetent
- volunteers ("RACES"), how to handle the prima donnas in short
- order, and how to replace at least the key county RACES staff
- from the available ARES pool that are qualified. With his
- negative attitude or ignorance towards hams, and by keeping them
- at arm's length, I'm afraid he won't have any hams if and when he
- needs them.
- A closing thought on what turns off some CD/ES staff and other
- government people about us hams. Many of us don't know how to
- talk to non-hams in plain English. The mental shades are drawn
- after thirty seconds of alphabet soup, abbreviations and ham
- jargon. I have been a volunteer in several government
- organizations since 1951. The first thing I learned was that we
- are never accepted unless and and until we do things their way;
- i.e., "Walk, talk and look like them," as one volunteer captain
- aptly said. There is a lot of truth to that. The second thing is
- "It's not what you know it's who you know." The best known group
- of volunteers know this; reserve police officers, deputy
- sheriffs, and volunteer firefighters know this. Now we are
- talking about that new (to some jurisdictions) group of
- volunteers, their deputy communicators -- the RACES. Now you know
- why most of my time is spent educating and selling government
- people on why and how they can use willing Amateur Radio
- operators. It's up to those of you at the local level to make it
- work in a professional manner.
- To me, the highest complement that can be paid to any volunteer
- is to have them mistaken for employees who are a credit to their
- organization. I have no truck with those who wear their
- volunteerism on their sleeve. (Yes, I am aware of the instances
- where the volunteer is better than the employee!)
- SVECS: Who is Stan Harter and what does he have to do with the
- average Joe Ham who is volunteering his services? How does the
- State OES relate to the local organization?"
- HARTER: Senator William Campbell conducted hearings in 1983 on
- the status of disaster preparedness communications in California.
- Out of the testimony came the facts that the Emergency Broadcast
- System was in shambles and that the vast Amateur Radio resource
- was not seriously being utilized by the State and local
- governments. The legislature mandated that the Governor's Office
- of Emergency Services address these problems and funded a new
- position to coordinate these programs in 1985. I retired in 1982
- as assistant civil defense director and chief of telecommuni-
- cations for the Hawaii State government. A search of the records
- showed that the organized structure and program for state and
- local government civil defense directors (or their designees) to
- use Amateurs died out in most of California in the mid-Sixties.
- SVECS: What is the RACES and why did it die in California?
- HARTER: The program for Amateurs so enrolled in a government is
- called the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). Further
- study reveals that there are two primary reasons the RACES died
- in California and many --but not all-- jurisdictions:
- (a) The Federal government stopped its flow of matching funds
- with which to buy and maintain RACES equipment. This included the
- matching funds for many Radio Officer positions across the land.
- The Federal civil defense agency lost its RACES program guidance
- positions and the flow of manuals and guidance stopped
- forevermore.
- (b) Many jurisdictions and individuals erroneously perceived the
- RACES program to be primarily intended for wartime, nuclear
- attack preparedness, the shelter program, population relocation
- programs, and declared disasters. This was, unfortunately,
- further promoted by ARRL's actions circa 1977.
- The growth of the ARES in many areas was done in the vacuum
- created by the absence of the RACES. The people can be the same
- but the roles and missions of each, however, are not.
- SVECS: Tell us some more about what you do.
- HARTER: I am the coordinator of the Amateur Radio Service
- (RACES) and the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) programs for the
- State of California; assistant chief of its Office of Emergency
- Services Telecommunications Division; currently the State RACES
- Radio Officer (until a volunteer replacement can be recruited);
- and the Vice-Chairman of the FCC's State Emergency Communications
- Committee (SECC) for California. I have held Commercial FCC
- license since 1950, Civil Air Patrol station license since 1951,
- Amateur Radio license since 1964, and a MARS call since 1965.
- I'm a member of the ARRL, the IEEE, the Associated-Public Safety
- Communications Officers, and a Fellow if the Radio Club of
- America. I have been a volunteer since 1950 variously in the
- Civil Air Patrol, Amateur Radio Emergency Service, U.S. Forest
- Service (Communications Unit Leader red card), Hawaii State
- Forestry Fire Communications Officer, Hawaii State Fish and Game
- warden, Hawaii State Law Enforcement officer, Emergency Medical
- Services, State Highway Safety Council, Hawaii State RACES Radio
- Officer, and Kern County Sheriff's Department. I was a sworn law
- enforcement officer for 22 years.
- SVECS: What do you have to do with the average Joe Ham who is
- volunteering his services? How does the State OES relate to the
- local organization?
- HARTER: The first part of this question is a little tough
- because I am not sure what is an average Joe Ham. Studies of
- urban areas have shown that about 18% of the Amateur population
- is connected with or interested in the total public service
- aspect of Amateur Radio; i.e., the NTS, Red Cross, ARES, RACES,
- MARS and similar activities. Some of the 18% are fairly active,
- a few are very active and dedicated, and the majority can turn it
- on or off when they feel like it without it seriously impacting
- anyone else. Now, how many of the hams in the same urban area are
- interested in being a part of a structured, governmental activity
- (RACES, VIP) where their participation and support will be
- expected? Less than 6%. That is not a critical observation, it is
- simply a fact. In rural areas, of course, the figure grows much
- larger.
- The governmental structure of California is such that the State
- may provide program guidance and recommendations to its counties,
- but not direction and control unless the State is also providing
- the resources. If a qualified firefighter is seeking employment,
- he or she may join one department. The same is true for a
- volunteer firefighter; he or she affiliates with one department.
- And so it is with the RACES, following good management concepts
- and the intent of the Federal Communications Commission. Since
- there are three levels of local government in California (State,
- county and city) there are the same levels of RACES as there are
- government. All are part of a strong mutual aid system observed in
- California, a system that is envied by or absent in most states.
- The State Office of Emergency Services relates to the local
- governments through our structure of six Regions. You live,
- for example, in State OES Region II. State OES Headquarters
- has a State RACES Coordinator; that is my position. The volunteer
- State RACES Radio Officer and staff report to the RACES
- Coordinator. The State OES Regions (and State government
- departments having Amateur Radio resources) also have an employee
- RACES Coordinator; this position is filled by the Region
- Communications Coordinator or, if vacant, by another employee as
- additional duties. The volunteer Region Radio Officer coordinates
- with the county Radio Officers and they, in turn, are expected to
- maintain good liaison with city Radio Officers. All RACES staff
- ("Level 1" volunteers) at any level serve to provide leadership
- of other hams ("Level 2" volunteers) wanting to serve temporarily
- in any emergency and whose services have been requested and/or
- accepted. State RACES maintains good relations with the ARRL
- leadership positions; we urge all county and city RACES to do
- likewise.
- If you don't have or would like to have them, we have
- papers available that describe Level 1/Level 2 volunteers,
- positions descriptions for county and city Radio Officers. The
- majority of Level 2 volunteers coming out to assist government
- come from the ARES who are registered Disaster Service Workers.
- One element of a good RACES unit that may not be fully understood
- by other hams and government employees alike is that there is (or
- should be) plenty to keep them busy outside of emergencies. Here
- at our office we have enough for about a dozen hams with various
- skills to sink their teeth into and do a professional job without
- ever having an emergency activation. A lot of our 200+ employees
- here think they are employees! And that's the way we all like it.
- The same people who think we volunteers who perform hours a week
- this way without pay are crazy. But they think the same of the
- others, too: reserve police officers and deputy sheriffs,
- volunteer on-call firefighters and EMT's, CAP and sheriff's
- department search and rescue personnel, and on and on. That's the
- same caliber of volunteer who is an active Level 1 RACES person.
- SVECS: Summarize your thoughts on the recent Emergency Response
- Institute, what was accomplished and its value to Joe Ham.
- HARTER: The ERI, as I understood its goals, was right on target
- in 1987 and 1988. I perceived it to be a common meeting ground
- for emergency response agency personnel and Amateur Radio
- operators; a seminar to cross pollinate, to enable each to better
- understand the mission, capabilities and deficiencies of the
- other; a first of its kind (to my knowledge in 42 years of public
- safety communications); the brainchild of a ham in public safety
- (Dave Larton) who had the time, energy, enthusiasm and fortitude
- to pull it off. ERI-87 and ERI-88 was his doing with the
- participation and support of public agencies individual Amateurs.
- I was so impressed with ERI-87 and the very favorable comments
- from the public safety participants that I made sure that many
- more government officials and Radio Officers attended ERI-88.
- Everyone who I spoke to who attended agreed.
- SVECS: That's good. Now what about ERI-89?
- HARTER: I got different signals this time with the ERI-89
- agenda. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something said "Don't
- go pitch the agency professionals and volunteer staff this year."
- I'm glad I didn't. I will be blunt. It was nothing like the ERI-
- 87/88. What was ERI-89? It was an ARRL Section meeting or
- training session. Not that there is anything wrong with that;
- please don't misunderstand me. It's just that it was a major
- departure from what was a successful formula. Maybe other
- agencies felt the same way. Why did one of the primary features,
- the 49er Fire critique, fail to materialize? Why were we
- subjected to ARRL internal business -- so totally absent (and not
- missed) in '87 and '88? Many of us were not even aware that '87
- and '88 were ARRL functions. If I had all of the government
- people come this year that came last year, I think they would
- have left for home Saturday afternoon. Many of us feel that the
- direction of ERI was taken away from Dave Larton by a local ARRL
- official. This reduced the statewide appeal for broad based
- participation to one intended for Santa Clara area hams only.
- SVECS: Where do you think the ERI should be headed in future
- sessions? What topics would you suggest and would you change the
- format?
- HARTER: One, I think it should return to the 87/88 format.
- Two, don't be afraid of repeating the majority of the sessions at
- each ERI. Three, don't try to introduce new sessions simply in
- an attempt to be different from last year. Four, if you really
- want statewide government, organizations, and ham attendance --
- return to the 87/88 approach; if you want mostly a get-together
- of local hams and an ARRL function, keep it the way it is.
- Five, reduce or eliminate promoting computer programs or ideas
- that are not yet used; i.e., we perceived it to be a program
- looking for clients. The ERI should not be the forum to introduce
- new or untried procedures to people, many of whom have difficulty
- grasping existing policies, practices and procedures.
- Six, there was insufficient time to properly address the Disaster
- Service Worker subject at this ERI. The audience had many
- questions that went unanswered because of lack of time. Several
- participants told me they felt it was almost intentional; that
- they sensed a strong inference this year of "the ARRL people
- saying here is the way we do things and here is how we are going
- to do it for 'them", whether they like it or not." This attitude
- is the biggest turnoff identified by government officials on the
- subject of radio hams -- whether it's warranted or not. It's one
- I face daily in my dealing with governments in promoting their
- use of Amateurs. I have to really stress that the hams will do
- things the way the jurisdiction wants them done -- then I pray
- they will. I remember a sign I saw on the door to a meeting of
- SVECS: How about writing a Bulletin about "Joe Ham who signs up
- for emergency work but doesn't bother to show up for meetings,
- doesn't participate in events, can't be bothered with training
- sessions, but is always ready for the Big One".
- HARTER: I'll tell you what, how about you writing it and sending
- to me? We always welcome input from the field and this subject is
- a good one.
- I am reminded of the post-1986 flood critique of Amateur Radio
- operations at a nearby county courthouse. The new city OES
- coordinator invited me to sit in on it as an observer. (Remember,
- we at State don't tell the counties and cities what to do.)
- Finally, one senior ham stood up and said, "I don't or won't sign
- up with anybody. But I'll always come out and help in an
- emergency."
- "What do I do with a person like that?" the OES Coordinator
- whispered in my ear.
- "What person?" said I. "I didn't hear anyone. I didn't see
- anyone, did you?"
- He got the point and smiled.
- SVECS: Thank you. Any closing thoughts?
- HARTER: Please tell any ham that if they have a question,
- suggestion or idea -- write or packet it to me. My packet BBS
- address is W6HIR @ WA6NWE.CA. We always welcome questions and
- input.
- * * * * *
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- for the
- Please see separte file for Position Descriptions.
- * * * * *
- TO: n0nsa@wb0blr.ia.usa.na
- SUBJ: RACES Bulletins
- November 19, 1991
- To: Bill Neal, N0NSA
- From: Stan Harter, KH6GBX, State Office of Emergency Services,
- Sacramento, CA
- I was out of state all of August so please excuse my
- delay in replying to your packet message. Welcome to the many
- facets of Amateur Radio. Emergency communications is just one
- interest area and a small one at that, since only about 6% of
- urban hams are into the delivery of serious, professional level
- emergency communications. You asked, "How come the info in that
- is (sic) the RACES Bulletins have info that relates to Amateur
- Radio a majority of the time? It is addressed to all emergency
- management agencies/offices with info to RACES operators and
- Amateurs." One reason is that in many areas the relations
- between the volunteers and government have failed is because
- they, simply put, went their separate ways. At best, it may have
- deteriorated to an official saying, "Don't call us; we'll call
- you." Because of our agency's efforts and successes, however,
- more and more governments are asking for the type of information
- in the RACES bulletins and the printed program management
- materials. This is the type of assistance and support that used
- to be provided by FEMA.
- Yes, some Bulletins really apply only to the volunteers.
- Whether they are hams or not is not as important as being a
- dependable emergency communications resource in one's community.
- It is important that government people and volunteers meet,
- train, and work together. If a civil defense agency doesn't care
- about volunteers in general and hams in particular, I would
- surmise that they do not have a communications officer and a
- RACES officer. If they do, they are not doing their job. I'm not
- being controversial; that's simply a fact.
- "But the agencies don't really care what the current
- trends in Amateur Radio are..." Of course not. The RACES
- Bulletins address mostly management topics with a few technical
- topics. It's the stuff of interest to the Radio Officer and
- sometimes his/her paid superior. If the local government doesn't
- have a Radio Officer and staff volunteers -- then I can't offer
- any suggestions or solutions. Yes, we have local governments who
- are not interested in volunteers, don't have any, and don't want
- any. There is no simple solution. We tell would-be volunteers
- they should consider associating with the next closest
- jurisdiction or wait for their disinterested principal(s) to
- resign, be replaced, retire, or expire.
- Any "communications auxiliary" approach is designed to
- eliminate the license barriers and emphasize the individual's
- professional skills in working enthusiastically within a
- government team. It doesn't take any license to type messages or
- situation reports into a computer. Or to talk on a radio -- any
- radio. Or help in scores of other ways. I've only been a ham for
- thirty years and all of them in emergency, public safety related
- Amateur radio -- not be confused with National Traffic System or
- Health and Welfare. They both have their place, to be sure, but
- they are not a RACES function. In all these years I have found
- the quantity of quality volunteers to be inversely proportional
- to the grade of their Amateur Radio license.
- Any team of enthusiastic, dedicated, qualified, and
- competent volunteers in any government agency will attract like
- people. Such agencies seldom have to recruit people. The agency's
- program sells itself. Quality -- not quantity.
- You stated, "These agencies don't really care what the
- current trends in Amateur Radio are unless it interferes with any
- help that the Amateur community lends to their operations. And I
- can sort of understand that way of thinking. They have other
- things to think about than (sic) for instance: Amateur public
- relations." I'm not sure what this means. Perhaps some of it was
- lost in transmission. I agree that an agency can't be concerned
- with Amateur Radio trends; that's the job of their Radio Officer.
- Nor need they be concerned with Amateur public relations. The
- Radio Officer and the other sworn RACES and other communications
- personnel have their work cut out for them. Public relations is
- not necessarily an issue. The agency, you see, should not be
- dealing with "outsiders". It recruits and builds its own
- organization. They, in turn, supervise any disaster-related
- volunteers whose services may be accepted. There are those who
- don't want to be a part of the established agency organization
- but may come out of the woodwork in an emergency. If they are
- needed, then they should be used without acrimony. If that policy
- is stated up front, it should take care of the public relations.
- Additional information is available by sending us a 3-1/2"
- diskette. On it we will place all of the Bulletins to date.
- Also included is the policy manual, model RACES plan, RACES
- position descriptions, and other aids requested by jurisdictions
- over the years. Printed, camera-ready Bulletins are available to
- anyone providing us a supply of 1st class business size SASE; we
- will mail them out four at a time. Thirteen envelopes last a
- year.
- I hope this answers some of your questions. Thanks for
- the opportunity and the time you took in writing. 73, Stan
- * * * * *
- End